Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Passion Pit - Sleepyhead LIVE

Hello, here is Passion Pit's Sleepyhead. Passion Pit is pretty much superawesomesauce in my book. So much depth and talent in that band. I especially love this song (read: it's my favorite) for so many reasons including the fact that it's the first song that I heard by Passion Pit and for many others like the random times it reminds me of that need not be mentioned here.

Anyway, check Passion Pit performing Sleepyhead live in Juan's Basement. Pretty much I want to be in that basement with them watching & dancing around.

I should also mention that I have a huge thing for the drummer in this. It might be because I really want to play drums, and he's awesome. But hey, now you know.

vc: Pitchfork TV

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