This little girl is amazing. I think I need to stand on my counter and do this every morning. "I can do anything great. I like my mom. I like my house. I like my stuff. . ."
Daily Thoughts, an Embarrassing Portrait of an Unemployed, Single 26 YearOld Woman
- 8am. Awake. Again. Might as well get going, online job listings, I will DOMINATE you.
- Man, I am so good at Words with Friends!
- I should really get out of bed and shower. Or go work out.
- Gah. Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the worst. Whoopi rocks though.
- Ok, now I should get out of bed.
- I wonder if anyone wants to meet me for lunch…
- Ramen for lunch is really the better idea.
- Time to clean my bathroom.
- That girl on Tumblr needs to wisen up.
- Hilarious online video. I die.
- How is it already time for Oprah?
- Gilmore Girls at 5 then I really will turn off the TV till primetime.
- Should I make dinner? What to make for dinner….? Hmmmm. I guess I’ll just have a bottle of wine instead.
- Guess I’ll pour myself another glass of wine… Fuck. I finished the bottle already? Do I open another one or…?
- Glad I bought that low-cal margarita mix. Yum.
- TV is the best.
- No one can tell from my tweets that I’m drunk right? Noooooo.
- Close the computer. Go to bed. Close the computer. Go to bed.
- Late night facebook-stalking is all the rage.
- Man, I am even amazing at Words with Friends whilst druuuuuunk.